In an effort to keep up with the pace of the digitalisation process that is currently affecting all sectors of the economy, including the international public sector, the OIV has selected in 2020 an IT consultant to collaborate on the design and planning of a comprehensive and detailed strategy for the digital transformation of the organisation.
The final output of the consultancy consisted of a three-year roadmap that will help the OIV in setting up solid basis for its future and becoming a leader in its field. To do so, the OIV needs to augment and optimise its capacity and efficiency in terms of both internal/external communication with its stakeholders and data/information management. At the same time, the image of the OIV as reference body in the sector should be reinforced and the capacity to effectively serve its Member States should be improved.
At the core of this plan, there is an IT that is user centric, connected, able to simplify and rationalise internal processes, and based on secured foundations. The project encompasses, in an organic and structural plan, different areas of intervention.
It is in this context, the General Direction of the OIV has decided to launch a call for tenders to identify and select one or more IT partners that will implement the three-year digital transformation plan.
The OIV expects to receive tenders that are complete and which meet the organisational, functional and technical requirements as described in this document, so to select the most suitable candidates after careful assessment.
Deadline: 25th January 2021
El 1 de enero de 2021 señala el regreso del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte a la Organización Internacional de la Viña y el Vino, lo que lo convierte en el 48.º Estado miembro incorporado a la Organización.
El Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte era un activo miembro de la antigua OIV entre 1973 y 2004 y, en su carácter de signatario del Acuerdo del 3 de abril de 2001, finalizó recientemente los pasos necesarios para ratificar este Acuerdo y unirse a la nueva OIV.
El Reino Unido es uno de los mercados vinícolas más grandes del mundo. En 2019, el Reino Unido ocupaba la 10.ª posición como consumidor en el mundo, registrando un consumo de 13 Mill. hL de vino, de los cuales, más del 95 % correspondía a vinos importados.
Job description
Assist the secretary of the scientific and technical division in the following functions:
1.traditional secretarial tasks (mail, filing, archiving, uploading documents) and preparing documents and publications in official languages (layout, data shaping, inclusion of tables and graphs)
2.preparation for OIV meetings, which involves a variety of administrative tasks
3.updating the contact details of experts and delegates
4.Following of translations of documents.
He/she may be involved, depending on his or her skills, in other tasks
Dead line for candidates : 20 February 2021
All information here
Today, it can be said that the solid foundations of harmonisation provided by the work of the OIV have enabled the sector to ensure a safe BREXIT.
Let us take a detailed look at how the OIV standards are recognised in the new agreement. From the outset, Article 2 of Appendix 5-TBT "Wine Trade" refers to oenological practices recommended and published by the OIV as the only relevant international standards.
The methods of analysis developed and published by the OIV are recognised in Article 3 of the same Appendix as reference methods for determining the analytical composition of wines in control operations.
The strength of the multilateral acquis and the confidence in the rules of the OIV have certainly helped to ensure unfettered trade. Wines will not need a VI-1 certificate like wines from other non-European countries. A self-report certificate will be allowed. The OIV also welcomes the absence of tariffs on wines.
It is now necessary to go further in simplifying administrative procedures and to speed up the implementation of electronic exchanges of administrative documents. The OIV hopes that the UK will actively participate in the discussion on e-certificate initiated at the OIV at Brazil's request.
In the context of BREXIT and all the changes it entails or will involve for the international wine trade, the involvement of as many countries as possible in multilateral discussions seems to be paramount for the sector.
The United Kingdom joined the OIV on 1st of January 2021 and became the 48th member of the Organisation. This membership greatly broadens the representativeness of the Organisation: OIV members now produce 85% of the world's wine and have a 70% share (up 5%) global consumption.