Organised by the College of Enology of Northwest A&F University with the support of the China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA), the Chinese National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries and local authorities, this event brought together over 250 participants: producers, industry representatives, academics and experts.
Several Chinese and also foreign speakers gave presentations in different workshops focusing on the following themes: viticultural techniques, wine and terroir, the construction of wine brands, wine and the internet.
Placed under the patronage of the OIV, this Symposium was an opportunity for Jean-Marie Aurand to give a presentation of the OIV and its missions together with a panorama of the state of the global vitivinicultural sector, highlighting the major issues for the future.
The Director General of the OIV also called for the full accession of China to the OIV at a time when Chinese viticulture is experiencing unprecedented growth, both with regard to table grape production (the top producing country) and wine production and consumption (8th in the world for production and 5th for consumption).
Finally, a part of the Symposium was dedicated to a forum on the transposition to the wine sector of the initiative undertaken in connection with the silk route.