
20 авг 2018

At the request of the scientific community of the OIV, the members of the OIV Award Jury, who met in Paris on 5 July 2018, decided unanimously to create a new Awards category: “Sustainable vitiviniculture”.This 11th category will take into account a topic that is a major concern for OIV experts. It responds to a growing number of works addressing sustainable development in the field of vitiviniculture – which is something the OIV Jury thus wishes to strongly encourage.For the next OIV Awards, which will be open for submissions from 1 September 2018 to 28 February 2019, works covering the 3 pillars of sustainable development (environment, society and economy) will be able to compete in this new category.*Submission forms available on the OIV website from 1 September 2018 hereContact: jurydesprix@oiv.int

08 авг 2018

2018 OIV Awards
Viticulture Award / EX ÆQUOVinifera, l’Italia dei VitigniRiccardo Cotarella[IT]Edition "Assoenologi SOC COOP"&GUIDE PRATIQUE DE LA TAILLE GUYOT Prévenir les maladies du boisMarco Simonit, Massimo Giudici,Lorenzo Manfreda, Marco Ostan,Riccardo Turata, Alessandro Zanutta[FR]Edition "France Agricole GFA"Special MentionEl Potencial Aromático de las Variedades de Vid Cultivadas en GaliciaMar Vilanova De La Torre,José Maria Marques Oliveira,Ricardo Rivas Barros[ES]Edition "Xunta de Galicia"Viticulture and Enology AwardVines & VinificationSally Easton[EN]Edition "WSET Wine & Spirit Education Trust"2 Enology Award / EX ÆQUOVinařská TechnologieJosef Balík, Jan Stávek[Cz]Edition "Národní Vinařské Centrum, o.p.s."&Guides de bonnes pratiques d'hygiène - Filière vinsCoordinated by Aurélie Camponovo|FR]Edition "Editions des Journaux Officiels"Special MentionUnderstanding Wine ChemistryAndrew L. Waterhouse, Gavin L. Sacks,David W. Jeffery[EN]Edition "John Wiley & Sons Ltd"3 Economy Award1) Wine Globalization : A New Comparative HistoryKym Anderson, Vicente Pinilla[EN]Edition "Cambridge University Press"With2) Global Wine Markets, 1860 to 2016 : a statistical compendiumKym Anderson, Signe Nelgen, Vicente Pinilla[EN]Edition "University of Adelaide Press"Special mentionAnálisis de un sector : Rioja 4.0Emilio Barco Royo[ES]Edition "Consejería de Agricultura. Gobierno de La Rioja"4 Fine Arts, PaintingLE VIN DES PEINTRES - Une histoire hédoniste de l’art (XVe-XXe siècle)Jean Serroy[FR]Edition "Les Editions de La Martinière"4 Fine Arts, Adults' ComicsDans les coulisses du champagneScriptwriter: Maxe L'HermenierDrawer: Benoît Blary[FR]Edition "Les Editions Jungle"4 Literature, NovelSpecial MentionLe testament de VirgileIsabelle Chrétien[FR]Edition "Les Editions Féret"4 History and LiteratureSpecial Mention EX ÆQUOCHILEAN WINE An Illustrated HistoryEL VINO DE CHILE Una Historia IlustradaRodrigo Alvarado MooreAlejandro Hernández MuñozIllustrated byFabián Todorovic Karmelic[ES]|[EN] Edition "Origo"[ES]|[EN] Edition "Origo"&LES VINS DE BORDEAUX à l’épreuve de la Seconde Guerre mondiale 1938-1950Sébastien Durand[FR]Edition "Memoring Éditions"5 Wine and HealthL'ivresse du SoldatCharles Ridel[FR]Edition "Éditions Vendémiaire"6 Discovering and Presenting WinesGranddad Tell me about Grapevines!Pascale Bounet, Françoise Etourneaud[EN]Edition "Les Editions Féret"Special Mention EX ÆQUOAustralian Wine - Style and taste, people and placesDirected by Patrick Iland, with Peter Gago, Andrew Caillard, Peter Dry[EN]Edition "Patrick Iland Wine Promotions Pty Ltd"&Vous allez enfin vous y connaître en VinSébastien Durand-Viel and David Cobbold, authorsIllustrations of Bertrand Hoquet[FR]Edition "Larousse"7 Wines and TerritoriesWines of Japan - 日本 の ワ イ ンTeiji Takahashi, Kimie Harada, Kazuhiko Kobayashi,Hiroshi Saito[JP]+[EN]Edition "Ikaros Publications Ltd"8 Wines and GastronomyLes accords mets-vins. Un art françaisDirected by Jean-Robert Pitte[FR]Edition "CNRS Editions"9 Monographs and Specialised StudiesLe Val de Loire, Terres de CheninChristian Asselin, author coordinator of the collective of nearly 100 contributors[FR]Auto Edition Pascal Girault "Les caves se rebiffent »Special mention EX ÆQUOChampagne Vinet Och OdlarnaBritt Karlsson, Per Karlsson[SE]Edition "Carlsson Bokförlag"&Diversità dei vigneti della Svizzera italiana : stato attuale e prospettiveValeria Trivellone, Marco Moretti[IT]Edition "STSN Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali et Museo Cantonale di Storia Naturale"10 Symposia proceedingsProceedings of the 16th Australian Wine Industry Technical ConferenceCoordinated by Kate Beames,Ella Robinson, Peter Dry, Dan Johnson[EN]Edition "The Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference Inc."
Winners of the 2018 OIV Awards presentation textes

25 июл 2018

This conference was an excellent opportunity to get an overview of the progress made in terms of reproduction strategies and in all scientific fields directly or indirectly related to grapevine selection. With over 70 speakers, 330 participants and 26 countries from 5 continents represented, GBG2018 – placed under the patronage of the OIV – has allowed for the coverage of a number of themes, for example: the maintenance and extension of genetic resources; the genetic, phenotypical and physiological characterisation of grapevine populations; as well as the functional characterisation of the genes involved in the control of berry development, maturation and composition, and in the adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress. Representing the OIV, the Head of the Viticulture Unit, Alejandro Fuentes Espinoza, met various experts in these fields and presented the role of the OIV and its work under way within the OIV “Genetic resources and vine selection” (GENET) Expert Group. The OIV, an organisation of a scientific and technical nature, has been working for some years now on the characterisation and evaluation of principles and of methods of production and sustainable selection for grapevine genetic resources. This is an important strategic axis in order to be able to provide appropriate responses to the vitivinicultural sector.All of the themes addressed during the Conference resulted in an important exchange of data and information that are at the heart of the viticultural issues of tomorrow in terms of sustainability.

11 июл 2018

Alongside the 41st session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the OIV participated in a round table of intergovernmental organizations on questions linked to the authenticity and identity of food products.During this session, facilitated by Carlos Laorden from El País, the participants emphasized the need to define a common terminology and take measures to reduce the risks of falsification and deception of consumers.The improvement of tracking systems, the adoption of new technologies and the development of new electronic systems can be important tools in the fight against counterfeiting. The OIV StandardsJean-Claude Ruf, the Scientific Coordinator for the OIV, emphasized that there exist challenges specific to the vitivinicultural sector, where fraudulent practices most often lead to a change in the quality and authenticity of products rather than to health risks.At the level of the OIV, this need to guarantee authenticity and identity is addressed through the adoption of standards, notably regarding:

  • the definition of products,
  • oenological practices: these must in particular take into account the consumer’s safety, not significantly modify the original qualities of the grape and the wine and not deceive the consumer,
  • labelling rules,
  • establishment of traceability guidelines,
  • establishment of analytical norms in order to check origins and traceability.
Jean-Claude Ruf, the Scientific Coordinator for the OIV, emphasized that there exist challenges specific to the vitivinicultural sector, where fraudulent practices most often lead to a change in the quality and authenticity of products rather than to health risksTaken together, these elements still do not preclude the possibility of counterfeiting. Wines or wine-based spirits with a strong added value are more susceptible to counterfeiting, this being the reason why we must establish certain systems of packaging identification, and also ensure appropriate consumer education.While the OIV standards are intended to improve the quality of and maintain the natural and essential characteristics of wines, they are also crucial to avoid technical barriers to trade in an increasingly global market (43% of wine consumed has crossed at least one border).In conclusion, Jean-Claude Ruf is pleased with the quality of the relationship between the OIV and the Codex Alimentarius (the OIV has observer status) and reminded the Codex that it can rely on the OIV as the leading technical and scientific intergovernmental organisation in the vitivinicultural sector.Link to the OIV document [FR] [EN]

04 июл 2018

Regina Vanderlinde addressing the Member States after the announcement of her electionA Brazilian has been elected as President of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine for the next three years, succeeding Monika Christmann. Régina VANDERLINDE, a professor of biotechnology at the University of Caxias do Sul has been elected by the Member States of the OIV for a mandate of three years.Holding a doctorate in biological sciences with a focus in enology-ampélologie from the ‘Université de Bordeaux’ she has been a member of the Brazilian delegation to the OIV she also served as the Scientific Secretary of the Sub-commission for Methods of Analysis.She is happy that South American viticulture has been recognised by the community of the OIV and is pleased to be the third consecutive female President of the OIV. Here's a short video where the new president expresses her thanks to the member states and her future goals at the OIV presidency (in French and subtitled in English): At this General Assembly the Presidents of the scientific bodies were also elected:Commission I ViticultureVittorino NOVELLO (Italy) suceeds à Benjamin BOIS (France)Commission II EnologyDominique TUSSEAU (France) suceeds Luigi MOIO (Italy)Commission III Law and EconomyDimitar ANDREEVSKI (Bulgaria) suceeds Tony BATTAGLENE (Australia)Commission IV Safety and HealthGheorghe ARPENTIN (Moldavia) suceeds Nuria GARCIA TEJEDOR (Spain)Sub-commission Methods of AnalysisMarkus HERDERICH (Australia) suceeds Ondrej MIKES (Czech Republic)Sub-commission Non-fermented products, table grapes and raisinsAlejandro MARIANETTI (Argentina) suceeds Luis PERES DE SOUSA (Portugal)

02 июл 2018

The Grand Jury in front of the Gabrielle Dorziat theatre ©LoïcLemahieu/AudreyMarcyThe Gabrielle Dorziat theatre in Epernay (listed as a historical monument) hosted 38 official projections, selected out of 128 films from 19 countries in the competition. This year’s festival confirmed its international scope, giving awards to productions from Chile, China, Spain, the United States, France, Great Britain, Italy and Lebanon. Consult the list of award winners (link in French).The announcement of the Award winners on 1 July 2018©LoïcLemahieu/AudreyMarcyA travelling festival since its creation, at the invitation of the Champagne Committee and the Town of Epernay, Oenovideo celebrated hitting the quarter-century mark toasting with the bubbles so characteristic of the region. At the same time as the festival, the 13th Terroir d’Images exhibition (link in French) was presented in Reims (and is on until 13 July 2018) at the Maison Diocésaine Saint Sixte, under the theme of ‘Biodiversity from daybreak to moonrise in the vineyards and surroundings’ (Biodiversité : du jour naissant au clair de lune - Dans les vignes et alentours). Over 100 photos were selected out of 1500 photos from 15 countries in the competition. The Grand Prix winner will be revealed during the official awards ceremony, which will take place on Wednesday 17 October 2018 in the Palais du Luxembourg, in Paris.

Climate change and sustainability: a central theme for the films put forward
The OIV Press Officer, Daniela Costa, praised the quality of this year’s festival, marked by a common concern in all of the films presented: climate change and sustainability. This is a priority issue for the OIV, as attested by the presence of ‘Promote sustainable vitiviniculture’ as one of the five strategic axes established for the OIV Strategic Plan 2015-2019. Additionally, in 2015 the OIV decided to restructure its working groups through the creation of a multidisciplinary, horizontal group – the ENVIRO Group – dedicated to the theme of ‘Sustainable development and climate change’.Find out more about the work of the OIV on sustainable development and climate change:

25 июн 2018

Many professional and representatives speakers hosted a reflection on the major challenges of the vitiviniculture sector in a European context marked by the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and of the Common Market Organisation for wine.Jean-Marie Aurand, after a presentation of the OIV, returned this reflection to the global level by putting into perspective the broad evolutionary trends of the sector so as to better understand Europe’s place in this increasingly global market, where nearly 45% of wines cross a border before being consumed. He emphasised that Europe is very representative of the great diversity of products on offer (brands, geographical indications, vine varieties...) which characterise the global market and, paradoxically, assure it remains vibrant by responding to the needs of increasingly informed and demanding consumers.Finally, Jean-Marie Aurand recalled the role of the AREV which has for many years held observer status within the OIV and was happy to note the tightening of ties with this Assembly over the past few yearsIn order to be ready to meet this demand for authenticity, territorial origin, even for history and heritage, the Director General of the OIV emphasised the interest of regional and federal approaches promoted by the AREV in their different territorial, wine-tourism and cultural dimensions in combination with wine civilisation.Finally, Jean-Marie Aurand recalled the role of the AREV which has for many years held observer status within the OIV and was happy to note the tightening of ties with this Assembly over the past few years.The AREV is a forum which brings together the political representatives of around 75 regional European institutions and representatives of the professional world of the region. With the power of this double representation, the AREV serves all institutions and bodies directly or indirectly involved with European and global vitivinicultural policies. The AREV re-appointed Emiliano Garcia-Page Sánchez (President of the Castilla-La Mancha region) to his position as President, as well as Aly Leonardy of Luxembourg to his position as President of their Professional Council.

20 июн 2018

2018 - OIV Research grant program in support of priority programme fieldsAll information here.

18 июн 2018

This event, the fifth of its kind, (the previous iterations having taken place in France, the USA and Germany) brought together 32 business from the country’s different viticultural areas. On this occasion, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Gebran Bassil, highlighted the dynamism of the Lebanese vitiviniculture industry, with its high-quality wines which are exported around the world.The Director General for Agriculture Louis Lahoud recalled the long history of Lebanese viticulture and emphasized the efforts made by the Lebanese government to promote their wines and support businesses within the industry.In an ever more globalized world market where nearly 45% of wines consumed have crossed at least one border, common promotion makes more sense than ever, as Jean-Marie Aurand made clear in his speech.Lebanon boasts 14,000 ha of vines across the country for an annual production of 80,000 hL, of which more than 20% is exported around the world.This event, the fifth of its kind, (the previous iterations having taken place in France, the USA and Germany) brought together 32 business from the country’s different viticultural areas

14 июн 2018

This visit was a continuation of the presentation of Slovakian wines which took place in Bordeaux this past 30th November.During an interview at the Ministry of Agriculture, Gabriela Matečná emphasized the dynamic nature of their vitivinicultural industry which is in the midst of a major renewal, accompanied and supported by the government.This process of modernisation relies on the great variety of terroirs, the promotion of indigenous vine varieties and research on the value added through the production of high-quality wines. More than 80% of Slovakian wines bear an AOC or a PGI. “Slovakia is a little country with big wines”, the Minister is proud to say.The Minister Gabriela Matečná with Jean-Marie AurandWithin the framework of research and training development policies, the Minister mentioned the possibility of presenting a Slovakian candidate for the grants distributed by the OIV.Jean-Marie Aurand welcomes the many relationships between the OIV and Slovakia, mentioning among others the role of Ambassador František Lipka as President of the OIV Awards Jury.The diversity of Slovak vitivinicultureDuring the “Viticulture Workshop” organised as part of the National Slovakian Wine Exhibition, the Director General of the OIV made a presentation to the Slovakian Association of Winemakers regarding the Organisation and the state of conditions of the wine industry, highlighting the major changes and primary challenges which future holds.After a presentation on the control and certification system by Ivana Benkovičová (Slovakia’s delegate to the OIV) and an overview of the situation of vitiviniculture in Slovakia by the President of the Winemakers Association, Ondrej Celleng and their general director Jaroslava Kaňuchová-Pátková, the award ceremony of the National Slovakian Wine Exhibition took place. The end of the trip was reserved for visits to three farms which represent Slovakian vitiviniculture in all its diversity.The weekend was also marked by the organisation in Prešov of the 23rd Muvina International Wine Competition, placed under the patronage of the OIV.Slovakia features almost 600 producers growing around 10,000 ha of vines (of a potential 16,000 ha) for a production of about 300,000 hL annually, which is primarily sold within the national market.

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