Each year, the OIV calls upon the skills of numerous people and specialists from around the world to read and evaluate submissions on vine and wine according to specific criteria for the OIV Awards.
Each work is evaluated by several readers of different nationalities.
Would you like to be one of our reader-evaluators?
Or have you already been a reader for the OIV Awards and would like to do it again?
Contact the OIV Award Jury Secretariat at jurydesprix@oiv.int before 28 February 2019.
Important note: If you are an author, contributor or coordinator of a work presented for the OIV Awards in 2019, you cannot evaluate another submission.
If your profile (profession, nationality, working language(s), skills, specialities, etc.) meet the requirements to evaluate one or several works, the Award Jury Secretariat will contact you by email in March 2019.