On this occasion, he expressed the wish to give new impetus to the collaboration between Slovenia and the OIV.
The Director General praised this desire, which falls within the framework of an already close collaboration; this is particularly reflected in the OIV's patronage of the Vino Ljubljana international wine competition, which will take place on 30 June to 2 July this year.
Jean-Marie Aurand called for an increased presence of Slovenian experts in the work of the OIV. He also mentioned the possibility of Slovenia organising a presentation of its wines at the Organisation's headquarters.
Slovenian viticulture has a long history. Its cultivation of vines dates back to Celtic times, 2500 years ago: Maribor's Stara Trta , planted in the 16th century, is considered the oldest vine in the world.
For several years now, the Slovenian vitivinicultural sector has seen a thorough revival with the relaunch of a policy of quality wines, drawing notably on a great variety of terroirs and the development of native vine varieties.
Slovenian production has established itself at an average of 600 000 hL of wines per year, 75% of each are white wines. More than 70% of wines benefit from a designation of origin.
Originality and high quality of the submitted works characterize this very fine 2017 OIV Awards Edition.
2017 OIV Awards
Viticulture Award
La Vigne : ravageurs et auxiliaires - Volume 2
Christian Linder, Patrick Kehrli, Olivier Viret
Français / French
Suisse / Switzerland
Editions AMTRA (Suisse)
Œnology Award
Il respiro del vino
Luigi Moio
Italien / Italian
Italie / Italy
Mondadori Libri spa (Italia)
Vitivinicultural Economy Award
Il Marketing del Vino - capire, decidere, agire
Mario Gregori, Luigi Galletto, Giulio Malorgio, Eugenio Pomarici, Luca Rossetto
Italien / Italian
Italie / Italy
EdiSES S.r.l. (Italia)
History, Literature and Fine Arts Award
Le Vin & le Sacré
A l'usage des hédonistes, croyants ou libres penseurs
Evelyne Malnic
Français / French
Editions Féret (France)
History Award
Les Femmes et la vigne
Une histoire économique et sociale (1850-2010)
Jean-Louis Escudier
Français / French
Presses Universitaires du Midi PUM (France)
Wine and Health Award
Wine Safety, Consumer Preference, and Human Health
Collectif d’auteurs coordonné par / Collective of authors coordonated by :
Victoria Moreno-Arribas, Begoña Bartolomé Suáldea
Anglais / English
Espagne / Spain
Springer International Publishing (United States)
Discovering and Presenting Wines Award
Wine Tasting : A Professional Handbook, Third Edition
Ronald S. Jackson
Anglais / English
Elsevier (United States)
Wines and Territories Award
Paisagens do Vinhedo Rio-Grandense
Rinaldo Dal Pizzol, Luis Vicente Elias Pastor
Portugais / Portuguese
Brésil / Brazil
Organização Doris Couto (Brasil)
Wines and Gastronomy Award
Vinárstvo & somelierstvo
Štefan Ailer
Slovaque / Slovak
Slovaquie / Slovakia
AGRIPRINT s.r.o (Česká Republika)
Monographs Award
Nel solco degli emigranti
I vitigni italiani alla conquista del mondo
In the footsteps of migrants
The Italian grapes that conquered the world
Flavia Cristaldi, Delfina Licata
Edité en italien et en anglais / Printed in Italian and English
Italie / Italy / Italia / Italien
Bruno Mondadori -Pearson (Italia)
2017 OIV Special Mentions
Viticulture special Mention
Collectif d’auteurs avec / Collective of authors with :
Edi Maletić, Jasminka Karoglan Kontić, Ivan Pejić
Croate avec introduction en anglais / Croatian with introduction in English
Croatie / Croatia
Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature (Hrvatska)
Œnology and Viticulture special Mention
De l’Œnologie à la Viticulture
Alain Carbonneau, Jean-Louis Escudier
Français / French
Editions Quæ (France)
Vitivinicultural Economy special Mention
The Wine Value Chain in China
Consumers, Marketing and the Wider World
Collectif d’auteurs coordonné par / Collective of authors coordonated by :
Roberta Capitello, Steve Charters, David Menival, Jingxue (Jessica) Yuan
Anglais / English
Chine / China
Elsevier (Asian Studies Series) and Griffith University (UK)
Literature special Mention
Le vin, entre nature & culture
Azélina Jaboulet-Vercherre
Français / French
Editions Féret (France)
Discovering and Presenting Wines special Mention
A la rencontre des cépages modestes & oubliés
L’autre goût des vins
André Deyrieux
Français / French
Editions Dunod (France)
Monographs special Mention
Chianti Classico
The Search for Tuscany's Noblest Wine
Bill Nesto, Frances Di Savino
Anglais / English
Etats-Unis (Italie) / United States (Italy)
University of California Press (United States)
Symposia Proceedings special Mention
Enologia Italiana del 1800
Collectif d’auteurs coordonné par / Collective of authors coordinated by :
Giusi Mainardi, Pierstefano Berta
Italien / Italian
Italie / Italy
Edizioni OICCE – EO (Italia)
Symposia Proceedings special Mention
Les Rencontres du Clos-Vougeot
Vin et civilisation, les étapes de l'humanisation
Collectif d’auteurs dirigé par / Collective of authors directed by :
Jocelyne Pérard, Maryvonne Perrot
Français / French
Chaire UNESCO "Culture et Traditions du Vin" de l'Université de Bourgogne (France)
The report covers the vitivinicultural production potential, areas under vines, global wine production and consumption, and wine import and export volumes.
In 2016, the world area under vines rose to 7.5 mha.
Global grape production reached 75.8 mt in 2016.
2016 world wine production (excluding juice and musts) is estimated at 267 mhl.
World wine consumption in 2016 is estimated at 241 mhl.
Infrographics (initial information from the thematic report devoted to global vine diversity)
Decisions on Viticulture and the Environment
- In the field of viticulture, the OIV adopted a standard protocol for the clonal selection of vine varieties (Resolution OIV-VITI 564A-2017) that takes into account the progress achieved in the areas of scientific research and diagnostic techniques, as well as the different criteria that exist within the OIV Member Countries. Among the different points of the protocol, the term 'selected clone' is defined. Likewise, a number of parameters are described regarding the cultivation capabilities of candidate clones for vine varieties, such as phenological data, sensitivity characteristics and/or factors affecting resistance characteristics, yield parameters and quality parameters.
- Official guidelines for recognising grapevine collections at an international level (Resolution OIV-VITI 539-2017). These guidelines propose a series of criteria to be met with a view to establishing an international standard designed to harmonise the criteria for, and utility and efficiency of genetic resources. Vine collections that comply with these criteria will benefit from the recognition of the OIV and inclusion on the OIV list of varieties and vine collections available on the Organisation's website.
Decisions on Oenological Practices
Several resolutions relating to new oenological practices will be added to the International Code of Oenological Practices of the OIV, in particular:
- Treatment of musts with calcium sulphate for liqueur wines (Resolution OIV-OENO 583-2017). The objective of this practice is to develop liqueur wines that are balanced with regard to their taste sensations, to promote good biological evolution and satisfactory storage of liqueur wines, and to remedy insufficient natural acidity. The dose should not exceed 2 g/L calcium sulphate since this amount makes it possible to reach a pH of 3.2, which is a suitable level for the vinification of these musts. The residual sulphate content in the wines should not exceed the OIV limit
- Treatment of wines using selective plant fibres (Resolution OIV-OENO 582-2017). The objective of this practice is to reduce ochratoxin A levels in wines, as well as the number and levels of phytosanitary product residues detected in wines. Selective vegetal fibres are incorporated as processing aids, either during filtration with continuous deposition, or as a constituent of a filter sheet. The recommended dosage is determined according to the filtration technique used, without exceeding 1.5 kg/m2 of the filter sheet surface area.
- The treatment of musts with potassium carbonate, which has been permitted by the OIV within the context of the chemical deacidification of musts (Resolution OIV-OENO 580-2017). This new processing aid will be added to the list of products authorised for the reduction of the titratable acidity and the actual acidity.
- Treatment of musts and wines using inactivated yeasts with guaranteed glutathione levels (Resolutions OIV-OENO 532-2017 and OIV-OENO 533-2017). The objectives of these practices are to promote yeast metabolism through the provision of naturally-occurring nutritional compounds and to limit the oxidation of musts and wines by certain varietal aromatic compounds revealed by the metabolism of yeasts (particularly thiols). The dose used of glutathione – supplied directly or via yeasts with guaranteed glutathione levels – should not exceed 20 mg/L, in order to avoid any risk of reduction and the emergence of a yeast taste.
Decisions on Specifications of Oenological Products
The following monographs were added to the International Oenological Codex, in particular:
- An update to the monograph on Saccharomyces yeasts (Resolution OIV-OENO 576A-2017). Different forms of selected Saccharomyces yeasts may be used. Detailed specifications accompany this monograph, including the percentage of dry matter and the levels of viable yeasts according to the different forms. This monograph thus supplements the oenological practice.
- A monograph on non-Saccharomyces yeasts (Resolution OIV-OENO 576B-2017) used for the inoculation of grapes, musts and wines. As addition of non-Saccharomyces yeast might not result in the completion of alcoholic fermentation, inoculation with non-Saccharomyces yeasts may be followed by or complemented at the same time by inoculation with Saccharomyces spp. Detailed specifications accompany this monograph, including the percentage of dry matter and the levels of viable yeasts according to the different forms. This monograph thus supplements the oenological practice.
- An update to the monograph on tannins relating to the method for determination of polyphenols (Resolution OIV-OENO 574-2017). This method is designed to measure the polyphenol concentration of preparations of oenological tannins in polyphenols and is based on gravimetric analysis using solid-phase extraction (SPE).
- A monograph on glutathione that supplements the oenological practice (Resolution OIV-OENO 571-2017). Glutathione is used for its antioxidant properties that can fight against oxidation phenomena in musts and wines and protect aromatic compounds. Detailed specifications accompany this monograph, including that of the reduced glutathione content, which should be greater than 98%.
- A monograph on potassium polyaspartate (Resolution OIV-OENO 572-2017). Oenological potassium polyaspartate is exclusively prepared from L-aspartic acid. Detailed specifications accompany this monograph, including the degree of substitution of potassium salt, which should be at least 91.5% to guarantee optimal solubility.
- A monograph on selective plant fibres (Resolution OIV-OENO 578-2017). Selective plant fibres come from the edible parts of certain plants, generally of cereal origin. Selective plant fibres have a total insoluble parietal compound content of a minimum of 90% (m/m). Detailed specifications accompany this monograph, including the capacity for adsorption of certain pesticides, as well as that of ochratoxin A.
- A revision of the monograph on the PVI/PVP copolymer specifically relating to the maximum iron limit, which was brought up to 5 mg/kg of substance (Resolution OIV-OENO 605-2017).
Decisions on Methods of Analysis
During this same session, it was decided that new methods of analysis will be added to the OIV analytical corpus. These include, in particular:
- A method for the determination of 1,2-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol in musts and wines was adopted (Resolution OIV-OENO 589-2017). This method applies to the determination of the 1,2-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol that form after fermentation processes. These compounds are practically absent in unfermented musts, yet present in wine up to certain limits. The extracts are directly analysed via GC-MS on a polar column. The measurement is conducted according to the retention time and the mass spectrometer.
- A method of determination of the 13C/12C isotope ratio of glucose, fructose, glycerol and ethanol in products of vitivinicultural origin by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (Resolution OIV-OENO 479-2017). This type II method for glucose, fructose and glycerol and type III method for ethanol, based on the chemical oxidation of organic matter in CO2, makes it possible to determine the 13C/12C isotope ratio of the compounds using isotopic ratio mass spectrometry.
- A method relative to the determination of chitinase and thaumatin-like proteins in white wines (Resolution OIV-OENO 529-2017). This immunological method of semi-quantitative immunoprinting makes it possible to determine the presence or absence of unstable proteins in wines. Therefore, chitinase and thaumatin-like proteins can be detected from a total concentration of as low as 1 mg/L in wines.
With regard to spirituous beverages of vitivinicultural origin, three methods will be added to the OIV Compendium.
- An update to the method of determination of ethyl carbamate (Resolution OIV-OENO 590-2017). The principle of this method is based on the determination of ethyl carbamate in spirituous beverages by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) coupling. This method applies to spirituous beverages and spirits of vitivinicultural origin whose dry extract is either lower or higher than 20 g/L.
- On the one hand, there was the introduction of the definition of 'apparent alcoholic strength' (AAS) (Resolution OIV-OENO 587-2017), which is equal to the number of litres of ethanol contained in 100 litres of hydro-alcoholic mixture with the same density as that of the alcohol or spirituous beverage. Therefore, the AAS is directly deduced from the density of the product, without distillation. The AAS is expressed in % vol. On the other hand, there was the introduction of the principle of obscuration (Resolution OIV-OENO 588-2017), which is defined as the difference between the real alcoholic strength by volume and the apparent alcoholic strength, expressed in % vol.
Decisions on Economy and Law
- The OIV also adopted a recommendation for the establishment of training programmes for sommeliers (Resolution OIV-ECO 568-2017). Sommelier training programmes should guarantee that the sommelier acquires skills and is capable of diligently fulfilling the role as described in the Resolution OIV-ECO 474-2014. In accordance with the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), the minimum sommelier training programme may be defined as a Level 4 post-secondary non-tertiary education programme or professional certification of equivalent level that prepares for entry into the labour market. The minimum duration will be 600 teaching hours distributed according to the specified curriculum.
- •Finally, the OIV adopted a resolution on the application of sustainable production principles in the production of distillates, brandies and spirituous beverages of vitivinicultural origin (Resolution OIV-ECO 501-2017). This document provides recommendations for the implementation of the five general principles of sustainable production in vitiviniculture, as they are defined in Resolution CST 518-2016. The document also covers the production process of distillates, brandies and spirituous beverages of vitivinicultural origin as they are defined in Part 1, Chapter 7 of the International Code of Oenological Practices.
Victor Magalhães passed away on 10 June 2017 at the age of 50 following a cerebrovascular accident that occurred during the closing dinner of the 40th OIV Congress in Sofia.
It is with immense sorrow and great pain that we mourn the loss of Victor.
He dedicated his entire career to the OIV, where he worked in the Secretariat for over 23 years.
During all these years, he demonstrated a high level of professionalism and talent, having played an active role in compiling the statistical data published by the OIV every year. His experience, knowledge and expertise were recognised by all.
But aside from his professional competence, Victor had strong, wonderful human qualities appreciated by all those who had the pleasure of meeting him.
He set an example in terms of his energy and drive. It was with tremendous strength of character that several years ago he faced a serious illness and overcame the severe health problems he was affected by. Many, under these circumstances, would have thrown in the towel; Victor made the decision to resume his professional life and take on every challenge life threw at him with optimism.
Victor had an endearing and highly empathetic personality. He was profoundly human, mindful of others, warm and altruistic. His optimism was infectious, and he loved to share his passion for football with his colleagues, as he also did with his son. Victor was appreciated universally.
His passing has deeply affected his colleagues and friends at the OIV Secretariat who he mixed with on a daily basis, but also the wider OIV family.
We express our deepest sympathies to his partner Paola, his son Léandro, his parents, his sister and all those close to him.
We will not forget Victor.