L'Organisation internationale de la vigne et du vin est une organisation intergouvernementale qui a été créée par un traité international. Vous serez également guidé par les règles de procédure et les dispositions de l'accord de siège.
Règlement intérieur
General Provisions, adopted on 22 October 2004, amended and modified on 16 October 2007, 3 July 2009, 28 October 2011, 24 October 2013, 28 October 2016, July 2021 and November 2022
Headquarters Agreement:
Agreement of 20 January 1965 between the French republic and the OIV relating to the head office of the OIV and its privileges and immunities within the territory of France (Decree 66-680 of 15 September 1966 - JORF 31-09-1966 p. 8309 and verbal note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs NUOI/E/N°578 of 16 March 2004 confirming the succession of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine in its rights and obligations held by the International Vine and Wine Office by this Headquarters Agreement).
Accord de siège