Principles of organic vitiviniculture
CONSIDERING the work of the "Law and Consumer Information" Expert Group, and
IN CONSIDERING that organic vitiviniculture is an increasingly important production system in the grape and wine sectors;
IN CONSIDERING that definitions of organic production and organic agriculture have already been created at a regional, national and international level;
IN CONSIDERING that the OIV’s 2012-14 Strategic Plan foresees at point D1 elaboration of both the general definition of organic production and the operational guidelines for organic vitivinicultural production;
DECIDES to adopt the following elements as general principles of organic production applied to vitiviniculture.
DECIDES that these general principles are to be the foundation for the definition of operational guidelines for organic vitivinicultural production .
Principles of organic vitiviniculture
Organic vitiviniculture is a vitiviniculture production system that:
- Seeks to maintain the ecosystems and fertility of soils on a long term scale;
- Seeks to increase biodiversity and the protection of natural resources;
- Seeks to promote the use of ecological processes and cycles;
- Seeks to minimise or eliminate external interventions and viticulture practices that require the use of chemical synthesis products;
- Seeks to use organic products and process in transformation and production processes, and trying to avoid all techniques having considerable negative impact on the environment;
- excludes the use of genetically modified organisms and inputs issued from genetically modified organisms.
These general principles must be applied as widely as possible in accordance with current regulations