Measures used for limiting phytoplasmas grapevine yellow

Estado: En vigor

Measures used for limiting phytoplasmas grapevine yellow




ON THE PROPOSAL of Commission I Viticulture, after examining serious problems linked with grapevine yellows  provoked by phytoplasmas,

CONSIDERING that various phytoplasmas are found in many viticulture regions in the world,

CONSIDERING that grapevine flavescence dorée is a disease classified as requiring “quarantine” status in many countries and in particular in the European Community,

GIVEN that despite sanitary inspections and the efficiency of therapies applied on propogative viticulture material, it is not possible to prevent the propagation of phytoplasmas in vineyards.

CONSIDER that the spread of grapevine yellows in vineyards occurs by the intermediary of certain species of vectoring plant hoppers, which can transmit phytoplasmas to vines,

CALLS UPON the intensifying of research on biological control and on the usage of therapy techniques in addition to studies on the role of insects susceptible to being vectors of phytoplasmas and on their biological cycle in crop production and to define their biological pest control while taking into account management principles integrated in vineyards,

REQUESTS that viticulture countries respect the demands connected with sanitary and phytosanitary measures which are provided in quarantine standards and national and regional regulations.

RECOMMENDS that viticulture countries adopt the following surveillance, prevention and controlling phytoplasma vector means:

  • training vine farmers by making available technical documents on phytoplasmas and  possible control methods
  • maintain grapevine yellows -free mother plantations,
  • monitoring the presence of grapevine yellows  in vines and on possible intermediary plant hosts,
  • surveillance and determination of origin zone and expansion of grapevine yellows,
  • territorial monitoring to identify population density of vectoring species,
  • defining strategic plan to fight against phytoplasma vectors:
    • setting up cultivation techniques and sustainable production, which promotes a reduction in plant hoppers,
    • indications for the proper application of treatment products on vineyards, nurseries and mother plantations.