The General Assembly

Status: In Kraft

The General Assembly



MEETING in Mainz for its 79th session on July 9th, 1999, on the occasion of the 24th World Congress on Vines and Wine organized by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany,

THANKS the Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forests and his Department for their support of the 24th World Congress on Vines and Wine, as well as the 79th General Assembly of the O.I.V. ;

THANKS the Minister Presidents of the Länder of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, as well as the Minister for the Economy, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of Rhineland-Palatinate for the organization of the friendly receptions to welcome all delegates, members of the congress and those accompanying them ;

COMPLIMENTS in particular the President and the members of the Organizing Committee, as well as the whole team of helpers for the remarkable organization of the Congress and the General Assembly, the excellent working conditions, and the quality and warmth of the welcome extended to delegates, members of the congress and those accompanying them ;

EXPRESSES its gratitude to the Public Authorities, Professional and Interprofessional Organizations, particularly the « Deutsches Weininstitut » and the « Deutscher Weinfonds », to Businesses, Societies, and Cooperatives, who all have contributed to the great success of this Congress dedicated to the subject of « Global Viticulture and Markets : Diversity and Specificity », in the course of which the information presented was of the highest scientific standards ;

UNDERLINES with pleasure the warm and amicable atmosphere which has contributed to the splendid success of this gathering of delegates, members of the congress and those accompanying them, as well as the remarkable quality of the large number of German wines presented for tasting.