Discussion on uncertainties and recovery rate

Status: In Kraft

Discussion on uncertainties and recovery rate




IN VIEW OF article 2 of the Agreement of 3 April 2001establishing the International Organisation of Vine and Wine was founded,

Following a proposal made by the Methods of Analysis Sub-Commission

CONSIDERING that scientifically there is a broad consensus on the principle of correcting by the recovery  and the transparent reporting thereof. However whether or not a result is corrected for recovery may have considerable implications for other stakeholders outside of the immediate analytical community.

CONSIDERING the works of many international organisation in the field of recovery correction

RECOMMENDS that a further sub-group investigates the implications of recovery correction (and Measurement Uncertainty) on the interpretation and the setting of limits, reports and makes clear recommendations based on risk management and statistical principles taking account of uncertainties of estimation of recovery correction and measurement uncertainty.

DECIDES to adopt the following recommendations and text related to the recovery correction which must be included in the OIV compendium of Methods of Analysis.


“The OIV recommends the following practice with regards to reporting recovery of analytical results.

  • Analytical results are to be expressed on a recovery corrected basis where appropriate and relevant, and when corrected it has to be stated.
  • If a result has been corrected for recovery, the method by which the recovery was taken into account should be stated. The recovery rate is to be quoted wherever possible.
  • When laying down provisions for standards, it will be necessary to state whether the result obtained by a method used for analysis within conformity checks shall be expressed on a recovery-corrected basis or not.”