Reasoned vine irrigation

Status: In Kraft

Reasoned vine irrigation




UPON THE PROPOSAL of the Commission I “Viticulture”, after having been informed of the works of the experts group “Vine physiology”,


  • the limitation of water availability and the competition for its use;
  • the effects of water supply on the environment in particular on soil salinity in certain regions;
  • the essential role of water in the physiological process of vines, in particular moderate water stress on the control of plant rigour and the quality of its products
  • the negative action on the quality of marked water stress or excessive water supply that can lead to excessively high yields.


That member countries take into account in water and irrigation management programmes, and where relevant, in regulations and directives concerning irrigation, the following elements:

  • irrigation should be reserved to vines that can be subject to well established water stress;
  • all preventative techniques for droughts (resistance, cultivation practices, etc.) must be implemented as a priority;
  • water supply should depend on the needs adapted to production objectives (wine grape, table grapes, raisins) of vines at the different stages of their development, the type and specificity of grape and wine sought while taking into account the water balance of each vineyard;
  • the risk of harmful effects on the environment in particular in relation to soil salinity should be avoided in terms of durable viticulture;
  • irrigation techniques allowing to optimise water efficiency such as micro-irrigation must be privileged while also considering the effects on the spreading of the root system.