OIV General principles of sustainable vitiviniculture- Environmental- Social- Economic and Cultural aspects
CONSIDERING the adopted resolutions, CST 1/2004, CST 1/2008 and OIV-VITI 422/2011, and the work subsequently undertaken by several expert groups on different aspects of sustainability,
CONSIDERING that there is a great diversity of vitivinicultural environments and grape and wine production systems on which the various factors contributing to sustainability have a different impact,
CONSIDERING that over recent decades and at a global level, systems and rules for production methods or systems which use integrated, organic and biodynamic vitiviniculture have been applied,
CONSIDERING that it is important to define the different production and processing systems in vitiviniculture and specify their connection with the principles of sustainability, so that the consumer might be well informed through the appropriate designation of vitivinicultural products,
CONSIDERING that the general principles of sustainability should be distinguished from the production methods that fully or partially incorporate these principles,
CONSIDERING that there are many different and potentially equally appropriate approaches to evaluating a sustainable development system,
CONSIDERING the resolution VITI 1/1999 on integrated vineyard production and the resolution OIV-ECO 460-2012 on the principles of organic vitiviniculture,
CONSIDERING the general need to understand the sustainability concept and its implications,
CONSIDERING article 2.2.k of the Agreement of the 3 April 2001, one of the activities of OIV is “to contribute to the promotion or recognition of the world vine- and wine-growing heritage and its historical, cultural, human, social and environmental aspects”.
CONSIDERING that the culture of a region forms its identity and specificity, and that the vitivinicultural production has always been an important component in the constitution of the image of a viticultural region.
DECIDES to adopt the following "OIV General Principles of Sustainable Vitiviniculture -Environmental - Social – Economic and Cultural Aspects", and
REQUESTS that the various OIV guidelines for sustainable vitiviniculture are regularly revised and supplemented, under the basis of the principles here established.
OIV General Principles of Sustainable Vitiviniculture
Environmental - Social - Economic and Cultural Aspects
General Principles of Sustainability applied to Vitiviniculture
1. Principle 1: Sustainable approach integrates environmental, social and economic aspects
2. Principle 2: Sustainable vitiviniculture respects the environment
Optimising the use of technical inputs during the production and processing phases
Limiting noise and air pollution
3. Principle 3: Sustainable vitiviniculture is sensitive to social and cultural aspects
Integration, training and continuity of the workforce
Integration with the local socio-economic and cultural environment
4. Principle 4: Sustainable vitiviniculture seeks to maintain economic viability
5. Principle 5: Sustainable initiatives require planning and assessment
Monitoring and development of knowledge
OIV General Principles of Sustainable Vitiviniculture
Environmental - Social - Economic and Cultural Aspects
In 1980, the International Union for Conservation of Nature published a report entitled “World Conservation Strategy” in which the notion of sustainable development first emerged. In 1987, the first official definition of Sustainable Development was given in the Report “Our Common Future” published by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission): “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
The concept of Sustainable Development received wider recognition at the Earth Summit in Rio, in 1992, with the publication of Agenda 21 which sets out guidelines for social and economic development within an enduring robust environment. This text, adopted by 178 governments, defines the three pillars that constitute sustainable development: the economic pillar, the social pillar and the environmental pillar. Following the definition of these three pillars, a new definition was accepted: “Sustainable development is development that is economically viable, ecologically sound and socially equitable”.
Several initiatives have been undertaken worldwide for the evolution of the production, both in agriculture and industry in a manner consistent with the concept of sustainability, including environmental, social and economic aspects.
The search for greater environmental sustainability in agriculture has found a useful conceptual basis in the operational research launched in the '60s and aiming at a reduction of the environmental impact of crop production through a rational use of pesticides, tailored to the specificities of crops. This research has led to the definition of the concept of integrated pest control whose inclusion in crop management has been effectively framed by the International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC). The IOBC developed the principles of integrated production, whose concepts and practices have been the subject of general and specific documents for individual crops. On this basis, a number of public and private directives have been proposed, on the integrated production of vine, so as to meet the growing demand of producers and consumers, to obtain healthy products manufactured by production process with a minimized impact on the environment. At the same time, the concepts of social responsibility and, a strategic approach in the enterprise management and business practices resulting from them, have been widely spread in wine industry and has created the conditions for effective consideration of social and economic sustainability in wine production.
Indeed, the increased attention to the issue of sustainability that has characterised the global wine system has also benefited from the support of the OIV, which, in accordance with its mission, has taken timely action to share definitions, concepts and operating practices within the wine sector.
The OIV, as a follow-up to its own resolution, VITI 1/1999, which recommends and “encourages the harmonious development of INTEGRATED VINEYARD PRODUCTION strategies”, has more recently given a definition of sustainable vitiviniculture through the resolution CST 1/2004. The organisation later published guidelines for application, the first being the resolution CST 1/2008: “OIV Guidelines for Sustainable Vitiviniculture: Production, Processing and Packaging of Products” and the second being VITI 422/2011: “OIV Guidelines for Sustainable Viticulture adapted to Table Grapes and Raisins: Production, Storage, Drying, Processing and Packaging of Products.” These guidelines are above all related to the environmental aspects of vitivinicultural production. The social and economic aspects whilst recognised are given very little consideration and minimal development has been directed to these aspects.
The objective of this document is to specify the definition and scope of application of sustainable production and to provide general principles applicable to all vitivinicultural products. These general principles should serve as a basis for the preparation or revision of the guidelines for the application of sustainable vitiviniculture by integrating the three aspects of sustainability: the environmental, social and economic.
Sustainable development is part of a continually evolving process, meaning it can be constantly adapted to the specificity of environmental, economic and social changes. This requires great flexibility and adaptability from individual operators, enterprises and regional or national authorities in order to respect sustainability objectives and to take up the opportunities which can come from innovation and from the use of the appropriate tools for planning, evaluation, control and communication.
Scope of the document
Sustainable vitiviniculture is defined by the OIV (resolution OIV CST 1/2004) as the “global strategy on the scale of the grape production and processing systems, incorporating at the same time the economic sustainability of structures and territories, producing quality products, considering requirements of precision in sustainable viticulture, risks to the environment, products safety and consumer health and valuing of heritage, historical, cultural, ecological and landscape aspects”.
To satisfy this definition, and in anticipation of periodic updates, the OIV updates the resolutions on the Guidelines for Sustainable Vitiviniculture by re-examining them in order to respect the general principles of the concept of " sustainability".
Sustainable vitiviniculture seeks to balance economic viability, social equity and environmental soundness. This applies to the whole production and processing chain, from grapes (wine grapes, table grapes, raisins) to grape juice, wines, spirits, and other vine products. Administration and marketing process are not covered by this document, because their environmental, social and economic impact are not specific to the vitivinicultural sector.
The purpose of this document is to create the foundations for assured sustainable vitivinicultural production over time in order to promote consistency and responsiveness to the environmental, social and economic aspects involved, and to anticipate future requirements. The overall sustainability of companies can only be ensured when economic conditions allow for profitable outcomes for producers.
Initiatives for developing the Sustainable Vitiviniculture are voluntary and may be collective through the adoption of common guidelines or policies that satisfy the principles of sustainability. Application methods, supporting these initiatives, will be developed in separate resolutions for the various vitivinicultural products.
General Principles of Sustainability applied to Vitiviniculture
1. Principle 1: Sustainable approach integrates environmental, social and economic aspects
The activities of the vitivinicultural industry are heavily dependent on natural resources (genetic resources of Vitis spp., energy resources, water, the climate, soil, air and the ecosystem) and on the socio-economic environment in which they belong. The development of production systems and practices preserving and improving the conditions of use for these natural resources as well as enhancing socio-economic conditions of the production, locality is vital for the sustainability of vitivinicultural activities.
Balanced and simultaneous consideration of the following aspects constitutes the first fundamental principle of sustainability:
- environmental,
- social and
- economic
Depending on the conditions specific to each region, company or product type in environmental, social and economic terms, these interactions may differ and take on different dimensions. For this reason, companies that implement a sustainable development initiative should be given a certain degree of flexibility in doing so, in order for them to apply procedures that are optimal for their environment.
2. Principle 2: Sustainable vitiviniculture respects the environment
The protection of soils, water, air, biodiversity and landscapes is particularly relevant in the vitivinicultural field.
This may be achieved via sound planning and development of new vineyards and other vitivinicultural facilities, using well-established ecological principles and the optimum management of existing and new assets.
The management of inputs (energy, water, technical production, packaging materials and processing agents) is essential in implementing a sustainable initiative by optimising their use while favouring preventative measures and, if necessary, appropriate reuse. The management of outputs (waste products, effluents, by-products) seeks to create a minimal impact on the environment by giving priority to their reuse or their recycling whenever possible.
Selection of the site
The design of new installations of the vineyards and the installation of product development, processing and packaging sites should take into account issues related to the proximity of sensitive areas, as defined by competent national authorities. Particular attention should be given to water resources management.
Vine planting sites should be well suited to the cultivation of the vine and the use of inputs should be considered.
A site’s accessibility by transport should be taken into consideration.
Soil management
Soil should be protected against the risks of erosion and of loss of nutrients by enhancing its organic content and/or implementing effective soil cover management. Soil fertility and biodiversity should be maintained to ensure environmental sustainability. The impact of viticultural machinery on the soil should also be considered in order to limit compaction and to preserve its structure. During vineyard planting or restructuring, earth works, interventions or provisions should be carefully considered in order to minimise negative impacts on soils, environment and landscape.
Soil contamination by inputs should be avoided.
Preserving biodiversity
Varietal and clonal diversity should be considered taking into account existing regulations.
Care should be taken to protect and improve the biodiversity of site, especially of native microorganisms, fauna and flora in the habitat in which the vitivinicultural activity takes place. The main structures that form ecological niches should be subject to an inventory and to an analysis with a view to reinforcing their positive aspects, also landscape value.
Preserving the landscape
An assessment should be made of the impact on the landscape during the phases of development, planting, restructuring or grubbing up of vineyards and on the installation and architecture of processing or operating facilities. Landscape features to be safeguarded should be identified by the individual company. Coordination in the frameworks of regional programmes with a view to their preservation and development should be considered.
Input management
Optimisation of energy use
It is recommended to reduce the use of energy sources contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases in favour of the use of renewable energy. To optimise overall consumption, it is necessary to take into account the operational effectiveness of the energy-consuming equipment or process, and the energy design of buildings. Possibilities for energy production on company sites should also be considered. Use of low-energy alternative systems, as well as monitoring the energy consumption of vehicles (for internal and external logistic), machines and productive processes can facilitate the establishment of a plan or strategy to reduce energy consumption (rationalising movement, insulating buildings, purchasing machines that consume less energy, biomass, etc.).
Optimisation of water use
The use of water should be considered in terms of its local availability and impact on water quality and groundwater table levels. The recommendations made in OIV resolution VITI 02/2003, "Reasoned vine irrigation", should be observed. Irrigation systems with low water consumption to overcome physiological stress of vines should be preferred.
Priority should be given to systems favouring efficient and effective use and reuse of water (without excess or abuse) at all stages of production. Monitoring consumption may facilitate the establishment of a plan or strategy to optimise water consumption.
Optimising the use of technical inputs during the production and processing phases
The use of materials, equipment, viticultural production inputs (herbicides, phytosanitary products, fertilizers, amendments and others), as well as winemaking and processing inputs (additives, processing aids and maturation materials, as noted in the OIV International Code of Oenological Practices and packaging material inputs (bottles, boxes, etc.) should be optimised and reasoned. Priority should be given to recyclable materials and/or those obtained with minimum environmental impact, taking into consideration the total lifetime and stability of the materials used.
Managing the use of processing aids, before and after treatment, should take into account the issues involved in the reduction, storage, recycling and disposal of effluents and waste products.
Output management
Waste management
The production of waste should be limited by giving priority to best practices and production strategies of the wine sector. Recycling or reuse of waste should be taken into account to reduce the impact on the environment and on public sewer networks.
There are two types of waste:
- solid waste: for example, unusable or obsolete phytosanitary products, packaging, , plastic films, trellising systems, stakes, diatomite, filtration sediment residues, lees, etc.,
- liquid waste: for example, effluents, liquid leftovers of phytosanitary preparations, residues polluted with chemical products, etc.
Adequate facilities may be needed to collect and store the waste under optimal safety conditions pending its treatment. When it is not possible to recycle the waste, care should be taken to ensure that it is removed with minimal impact on the environment.
Potential recovery of energy from the by-products through liquid waste treatment, i.e. generation of biogas (methane) should be favoured.
Accurate qualitative and quantitative inventory of waste should be kept.
Management of by-products
Systems prioritising a reduction in the quantity of by-products from viticulture and grape processing (e.g. pruning wood, stalks, grape pomace, etc.) should be favoured, taking into consideration product quality. If possible, by-products should be recycled or reused locally to reduce their impact on the environment and, where applicable, on the public sewer networks. Specific facilities are recommended to collect and store the by-products under optimal safety conditions pending their treatment or recovery.
The treatment and recovery of by-products should be carried out with minimal impact on the environment. When it is not possible to recover by-products, they should be managed as waste and identified as such.
Limiting noise and air pollution
Usually, it is of special interest to try to reduce the noise and air pollution (dust, pollution with organic and non-organic compounds, smells, etc.) generated by vitivinicultural activity in order to limit its impact on the immediate vicinity of vineyards and in proximity to the facilities for developing and processing vitivinicultural products.
3. Principle 3: Sustainable vitiviniculture is sensitive to social and cultural aspects
Any sustainable development initiative should take into account the objectives of stakeholders, as well as the entire community. All relevant ISO standards should be taken into account.
Companies should consider the socio-economic impact of their own activities and should consider getting involved in the socio-economic development of regions (or areas).
Working conditions
Respect and fair treatment
Employers should treat their employees, contractors and sub-contractors fairly, at the least, in accordance with the national and international regulations in force.
Health and safety of workers
The employer should, at the least, provide safe working conditions complying with national legislation and international standards.
Training of workers should be provided in risk awareness and the rules for risk reduction within acceptable limits and then should be continuously improved through participation in training programmes.
The safe use of work equipment is guaranteed through compliance with clear safety guidelines, as well as through the training of workers, particularly on the aspects of prevention and protection of the health of operators
Health, safety and hygiene elements at work will be included in all work activity planning with procedures established for good practices and appropriate use of hazardous substances.
Integration, training and continuity of the workforce
The company should encourage employees to integrate with the local social and cultural environment. The local, cultural and traditional values of the workforce should be respected. The employer should encourage the development of workers’ skills through appropriate ongoing training so that they can adapt to the complexity and dynamics of technological changes and so that the employer can rely on a qualified workforce in the long-term.
Integration with the local socio-economic and cultural environment
Cultural specificities
Sustainability of production involves respect of the culture and history of the region.
Contributions of the vitivinicultural stakeholders to the cultural identity of a region may be broad-spectrum: crafts, architecture, music, painting, local traditional events, literature, etc.
Vitiviniculture-specific cultural assets (e.g. classification of wine regions as UNESCO world heritage sites) should therefore be considered for both their beneficial and restraining contributions to sustainability.
Developing relations with the vitivinicultural community
The company should foster the development of inter professional and local collective relationships by actively participating in the industry’s social and technical activities and involving company staff in this initiative.
Health and safety of consumers
The company should proactively undertake to constantly ensure the hygiene, traceability, authenticity, origin and safety of the product by establishing a self-monitoring system for production processes and by training or informing workers and suppliers as appropriate.
Employees should be informed and trained on health related responsible practices of serving, selling and communication of alcoholic beverages.
4. Principle 4: Sustainable vitiviniculture seeks to maintain economic viability
The economic viability of businesses in the sector should be considered when establishing sustainability. The ability to innovate and adapt to technological and socio-economic changes and cost management should be especially developed in order to generate sustainable growth that will provide income and employment in times to come.
To fulfil the goal of sustainability, vitivinicultural production systems should be such that their activities are economically viable in the long-term in order to achieve the goals of preserving the environment and natural resources, as well as protecting the social aspects of the sector;
To target such a goal the company should develop two conditions: resilience and efficiency.
In the economic context resilience is the ability to adapt to changing business conditions in order to ensure economic viability of the organisation. Therefore, to be resilient, the company should maintain flexible recovery solutions and a diverse range of actions to be used to satisfy the requirements that may arise following disruptions and new situations following changes in production and/or market conditions. In response to these changing conditions, the enterprise should promote its ability to change practices at the different production and processing stages, its resource allocations, relationships and other company management aspects.
Efficiency refers to the ability to avoid waste and extra-costs by producing as much output as input usage allows, or by using the minimum amount of necessary input as production output allows. To be efficient the company must be well organised, simultaneously seeking to increase the gross margin and to reduce social and environmental impacts.
5. Principle 5: Sustainable initiatives require planning and assessment
The commitment by the company to a sustainable initiative should be planned in order to take into account the three aspects of sustainability. Once the initiative has been adopted, the company should undertake to follow these principles and develop a strategy and related list of objectives to be achieved. Such objectives should target also the selection of suppliers of goods and services.
Reference by the company to sustainability specifications developed by external bodies may provide greater assurance of the company’s sustainability commitments.
A sustainable development initiative requires the establishment of a process for planning the operations to be undertaken, assessing their effectiveness and adapting them in the future to ensure continuous improvement. The adequacy of the actions undertaken has to be evaluated regularly through a system of assessment which may be supported by external advisory bodies.
Assessment / Self-assessment
The sustainability of the production process should be assessed by means of indicators and criteria. Where they exist, use should be made of common indicators that are subject to consensus. The results obtained should be analysed and lead to an improvement plan.
An analysis of the priorities among the sustainable actions to be taken should be based on a risk and opportunities assessment related to each company activity and with reference to the context (environmental, social and economic) in which the business operates. The actions should be prioritised both in the vineyards and in the facilities in which the vine products are developed and processed.
The assessment can be carried out using self-assessment and/or by a third party.
Monitoring and development of knowledge
Implementing specific sustainable development monitoring enables the regular updating of knowledge on techniques and regulatory conditions that contribute to its development. Internal or external staff training facilitates the implementation of techniques helping to ensure sustainable development. Internal auditing or controls should be regulated.
Internal and external communication on the principles of sustainability and on their application within the company is beneficial, and should be encouraged. Staff should be made aware of the initiative and of the policies adopted by the company in terms of sustainability, whilst the public should be informed of the efforts that have been made and of their importance for safeguarding the viability of companies. All communication of sustainability actions implemented should be factually accurate and be substantiated by clear evidence.
The importance of collaboration and information sharing among all of the stakeholders directly or indirectly linked to the economic activity of the vitivinicultural sector should be taken into account in any sustainability initiative, across the value chain.