Code International des pratiques œnologiques

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Prevention or minimisation of contaminants

0.2 Prevention or minimisation of contaminants

Definition of contaminant:

Contaminant, in the context of a vitivinicultural product, means any substance not intentionally present in the product as a result of the production, processing, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such product, or as a result of environmental contamination, the presence of which has an impact on the safety and/or quality of the product.



The techniques for prevention or minimisation of contaminants are aimed:

a)      to minimise the food safety risks associated with consumption of the product.

b)      to optimise the organoleptic quality of the product,



a)      Preventative practices to avoid contamination in the first place should be favoured referred to the "Good Practices Guide" of the OIV and the specifications of oenological products of International Oenological Codex.

b)      Oenological practices aimed at reducing contaminant levels are based principally on absorptive techniques, and must be in accordance with the OIV International Code of Oenological Practices.

c)      It is necessary to conduct preliminary testing prior to implementation of an oenological practice to assess its effectiveness and/or its effects on the processed product.

d)      The application of HACCP method as defined by the Codex Alimentarius, to protect consumer health must be integrated into a guide of good hygiene practices to master the contaminants.