Resolution AGE 3/2004

État: En vigueur

Resolution AGE 3/2004



IN VIEW OF COMEX Resolution 1/2002 which seeks to facilitate the transition between the International Wine and Vine Office following the entry into force of the Agreement establishing the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, done in Paris on 3 April 2001,

DECIDES by consensus to recommend to the Inaugural General Assembly of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, the following draft resolution for adoption by consensus:

Draft Resolution AG 3/2004

The General Assembly of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, during its first meeting,

WHEREAS Article 5 paragraph 4.a of the Agreement establishing the International Organisation of Vine and Wine done in Paris on 3 April 2001 (hereinafter referred to as « the Agreement ») which sets forth the conditions for the election of the President of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, the Presidents of the Commissions and Sub-Commission and for the Director General,

WHEREAS the procedures for elections shall be set out in the Internal Rules of the International Vine and Wine Organisation according to the Agreement of 3 April 2001, until the new Rules of the International Vine and Wine Organisation are adopted, the Internal Rules of the International Vine and Wine Office shall apply namely in relation to the procedures for holding elections,

WHEREAS  the positions of President, of the Presidents of the Commissions and of the Director General of the International Wine and Vine Office were filled during the 83rd General Assembly of the International Wine and Vine Office on 18 and 19 June 2003 as follows:

  • President of the Office:  Mr. Reiner WITTKOWSKI (Germany)
  • President of Commission I: Mr. Peter HAYES (Australia)
  • President of Commission II: Mr. Jean-Luc BERGER (France)
  • President of Commission III: Mr. Philippe HUNZIKER (Switzerland)
  • Director General: Mr. Federico CASTELLUCCI (Italy)

WHEREAS the positions of Presidents of Sub-Commissions of the International Wine and Vine Office were filled during the last meetings in March 2001,

WHEREAS the Director general wrote to all members countries seeking nominations for the positions of President of the Methods of Analysis Sub-Commission and President of the Wine, Nutrition and Health Sub-Commission, and noting nominations were received for only two candidates, who are the current Presidents:

  • President of the Methods of Analysis Sub-Commission: Mr. Alain BERTRAND (France)
  • President of the Wine, Nutrition and Health Sub-Commission: Mr. Alberto BERTELLI (Italy)

WHEREAS Resolution AG X/2004  decided to maintain, until the General Assembly which follows the year of entry into force of the Agreement, the same commissions, sub-commissions and experts groups within the International Organisation of Vine and Wine as existed within the Office,

DECIDES to  modify the Internal Rules of the International Vine and Wine Office to facilitate the transition between the International Wine and Vine Office and the International Organisation of Vine and Wine,

DECIDES by consensus to elect

  • For the position of President: Mr. Reiner WITTKOWSKI (Germany)
  • For the position of President of Commission I: Mr. Peter HAYES (Australia)
  • For the position of President of Commission II: Mr. Jean-Luc BERGER (France)
  • For the position of President of Commission III Mr. Philippe HUNZIKER (Switzerland)
  • For the position of President of the Methods of Analysis Sub-Commission : Mr. Alain BERTRAND (France)
  • For the position of President of Wine, Nutrition and Health Sub-Commission: Mr. Alberto BERTELLI (Italy)
  • For the position of Director General: Mr. Federico CASTELLUCCI (Italy)

DECIDES that the elections for the positions of the President of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, the Presidents of the Commissions and of Sub-Commissions will be held in 2006 during the General Assembly of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine and that the elections for the Director General will be held at the General Assembly of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine in 2008, according to the procedures as laid out in Article 5 paragraph 4.a of the Agreement.