Wordwide inventory of vineyard varieties

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Wordwide inventory of vineyard varieties




ON THE PROPOSAL of Commission I «Viticulture,»

IN VIEW of the works of the XXIst World Congress of the Vine and Wine which took place at Punta del Este (Uruguay) from the 27th to the 29th of November, 1995, on the theme, «Vine Varieties: Vinifera»;

CONSIDERING the interest and the incidence of the use of Vitis vinifera in vitivinicultural products,

OBSERVING the growing use of a very limited number of clones and universally used vines of high quality throughout most parts of the regions of the world,

TAKING NOTE of the existence of a number of less known varieties native to various viticultural zones, but with a high potential for quality,

TAKING NOTE of the creation by different institutes of a certain number of new vine varieties with a high qualitative potential,

RECOMMENDS to member States:

  • To study more closely these varieties, susceptible to bring about diversity within collections, in order to precise their agricultural and technological possibilities,
  • To popularize and spread at the  the best the  information obtained,
  • To use the greatest number possible of vines and clones of high quality which will allow maintaining a wide diversity to satisfy the needs of producers and consumers,
  • To refrain from discouraging the use of new varieties.


  • To carry out at the OIV's General Direction a periodic varietal inventory of areas cultivated in vines throughout the world, for the purpose of being able to study and follow the development of variety placement.