Viticultural zoning

Status: In force

Viticultural zoning




ON PROPOSAL of Commission I, «Viticulture,»

EXAMINED the works of the XXIst World Congress of the Vine and Wine which took place at Punta del Este (Uruguay) from November 27 - 29, 1995, on the theme of «Viticultural Zonage»;

TAKING NOTE that some methods of zonage are now available and have given their evidence from work carried out in traditional vineyards,

OBSERVES that use of these methods constitutes a very useful and interesting tool for rational directing of the vinicultural sector and the choice of zones of production and quality,

EMPHASIZES the very harmful effects of the disruptive removal of vineyards in traditionally viticultural countries (population drain, defiling of the countryside, etc.)

RECOMMENDS to member States:

  • To carry out zonage studies (on different levels, macro-zonage, micro-zonage) in all countries, but particularly in the South American countries, in order to help characterize viticultural zones and mark out areas of production aiming at a geographical indication and/or appellation of origin,
  • To take  into account the results of studies of zonage in order to better manage and direct the development of viticultural areas and the location of vineyards,
  • To follow studies that give a better understanding of the relationship between earth, vine, and wine.