OIV Standard on minimum maturity requirements for table grapes

Status: In force

OIV Standard on minimum maturity requirements for table grapes




CONSIDERING article 2, paragraph 1c of the Agreement of 3 April 2001 establishing the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, 

BASED ON THE WORKS of the former “Table grapes and Raisins” Expert and on the proposal of Commission I «Viticulture» and the “Table grapes, raisins and unfermented vine products” Sub commission,

CONSIDERING the technical and scientific exchange with the Codex Alimentarius,

CONSIDERING the need to offer consumers a quality product, table grapes, which are satisfactorily ripened and have optimal nutritional value,

DECIDES to set up the following minimum maturity requirements for table grapes:

Grapes with a Brix degree equal to or above 16 shall be considered as ripe.

For white/pink colour table grape varieties:

  • Grapes with a Brix degree under 16 must present a minimum sugar* /acid** ratio of 20/1 to be considered as ripe.

For red colour table grape varieties:

  • Grapes with a Brix degree equal to or above 12.5 and under 16 must present a minimum sugar* / acid** ratio of 20/1 to be considered as ripe.
  • Grapes with a Brix degree under 12.5 shall not be considered as ripe.

Exceptions to the sugar/acid ratio are possible for particular varieties. These exceptions shall be communicated to the OIV by the member countries. They are reviewed by the Sub-Commission « Table grapes, raisins and unfermented vine products » in view of these exceptions being inserted into the OIV standard on minimum requirement for ripeness in table grapes.

The OIV recommends that member countries develop growing techniques and promote varieties in view of observing the above-defined values and ratios.

  • * Soluble sugar expressed in grams per liter
  • ** Titrable acidity expressed in grams per liter of tartaric acid