Definition of sommelier

Status: In force

Definition of sommelier



THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, based on the work of the "Training" Expert Group,

CONSIDERING the need to define the role and functions of a sommelier as expressed by those involved in the vitivinicultural industry,

CONSIDERING the diversity in the range of vitivinicultural products and the importance of providing suitable advice to consumers,

CONSIDERING the Strategic Plan of the OIV 2012-2014 and more particularly point N.2,

RECOMMENDS that Member States ensure that a professional working as a sommelier satisfies the charateristics below:

Definition of sommelier

A sommelier is a professional from the vitivinicultural and catering sectors (restaurants, wine bars) wineries or other distribution channel that recommend and serve beverages at a professional level.

Their field of activity is the service of wine in the catering industry or in establishments selling wine, as well as the provision of specialised advice for those involved in the wine market, by ensuring appropriates presentation and service of products.

The sommelier has completed a training course that leads to a university qualification or other certification and is consistent with the definition, role and skills covered in this resolution.

Role of the sommelier

The sommelier assists in the purchasing of wines and other beverages depending on the clientele and the establishment’s food menu. He actively participates in stock management, composition and writing of the wine list and the menu of spirits and other beverages, and advises customers about the best wine to complement their food. Importantly, he analyses and understands customer tastes so as to advise them on and serve them those wines - or other beverages - with dishes to suit. The sommelier may also provide advice in the distribution channel  including speciality retailers. He is a professional who works as an interactive link between the producer and consumer

Skills of the sommelier

They should have specialised knowledge about wines, beverages and food. Their skills include proficiency in the tasting, management, communication, selection and service of wine and other beverages, and in pairing them with food.