Procedures to limit the formation of foam
II.2.3.7 Procedures to limit the formation of foam
Prevention of foam formation during the alcoholic fermentation.
Objective :
To control the formation of foam during alcoholic fermentation of must with a view to avoiding losses by overflow and to allow a better use of the capacity of the fermentation cellar.
Prescriptions :
a) Preventive procedures:
- Utilisation of yeast strains selected for their low formation of foam.
- Performing the fermentation using physical procedures (equipment, temperature...) likely to minimise the formation of foam.
- Reduction of the must’s ability to form foam by treatment with one of the products accepted for fining; particularly silicon dioxide and bentonite (see Fining)
b) Remedial procedure
- Addition of a surfactant: a mixture of mono- and di-glycerides of oleic acid ;
The substances used shall comply with the prescriptions of the International Oenological Codex.
Recommendation of OIV :