This book provides a detailed examination of trends and social disparities in alcohol consumption. It offers a wide-ranging assessment of the health, social and economic impacts of key policy options for tackling alcohol-related harms in three OECD countries (Canada, the Czech Republic and Germany), extracting relevant policy messages for a broader set of countries.
This book is divided in 6 Chapters
Chapter 1. Alcohol: The public health side of a social phenomenon
Chapter 2. Trends in alcohol consumption in OECD countries
Chapter 3. Social disparities in alcohol drinking
Chapter 4. Tackling alcohol-related harms: What policy approaches?
Chapter 5. Health and economic impacts of key alcohol policy options
Chapter 6. Alcohol, the individual and society: A caIl for coherent alcohol policies
Read the OECD Report: Sassi, F.(ed.) (2015), Tackling Harmful Alcohol Use: Economics and Public Health Policy, OECD Publishing, Paris.